22 have already gone into space.
Chronological list of upcoming manned flights with announced dates is:
9/15/21 US - Crew Dragon Inspiration4 with 4 people
10/5/21 Russia - Soyuz MS-19 with 3 people
10/31/21 US - Crew Dragon CREW3 with 4 people
12/8/21 Russia - Soyuz MS-20 with 3 people
For the 5 spacecraft from the United States:
Crew Dragon - No change. Anticipated people to fly to space in 2021 on Dragon is 12. 4 have already gone into space.
Starliner - No change. Anticipated people to fly to space in 2021 on Starliner is 0.
Orion - no change. Anticipated people to fly to space in 2021 on Orion is 0.
SpaceShip - Richard Branson along with 5 fellow employees flew their first crewed mission on July 11. No date set for future missions. Anticipated people to fly to space in 2021 on SpaceShip is 8. 8 have already gone into space.
New Shepard - Jeff Bezos flew with 3 people on July 20. During the flight they set the records for the oldest, 82 and youngest, 18, person to go into space. Blue Origin said they plan two more flights for 2021 with depending on the crew size would be 8 to 12 more people. Anticipated people to fly to space in 2021 on New Shepard is 14, an increase of 10 due to additional flights. 4 have already gone into space.
For Russia - no change. Anticipated people to fly to space in 2021 on Soyuz is 9. 3 have already gone into space.
For China - no change. Anticipated people to fly to space in 2021 on Shenzhou is 6. 3 have already gone into space.
For India - no change. Anticipated people to fly to space in 2021 on Gaganyaan is 0.
My current estimate for 2021 is now up 10 to 49 since the last estimate. The increase is due to only 2 additional flights from Blue Origin on the New Shepard.